November 18, 2010

ABDL Turkey Dinner

Turkey Dinner When Daddy carves the turkey, It is really quite a sight, I know he tries his hardest, But he never does it right. He makes a fancy show of it, Before he starts to carve, And stabs in all directions, While we’re certain that we’ll starve. He seems to take forever, As we sit and shake our heads, By the time he’s finished slicing, He’s reduced the bird to shreds. He yells as loud as thunder, Just before he’s finally through For when Daddy carves the turkey, Daddy carves his finger too! What a great time of year for family and friends to get together and celebrate the love and warmth of the people in our life.  I sure hope each and everyone of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Gobble Gobble Mommy Star 1 888 430-2010
November 2, 2010

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Lets all get ready for fall!! Bring out the jackets and caps and bundle up for the most wonderful time of the year.   I just love boots and jeans and sweaters.  I love walking outside and having the cold air hit me like a brain freez.  At the same time I love being in the freezing cold and finally getting home here its warm and smells like bread and chillie….oh yes folks get ready for runny noses and fruit cake…hahaha its cominng Mommy Star 1 888 430-2010
September 23, 2010

Welcome Fall

I can’t believe summer is over and yesterday was the first day of fall. I can already tell because my allergies are acting up and the nights are too cool to sleep with just a sheet anymore. It’s time to bring out the blankets and fuzzy slippers boys and girls. Moms can look forward to runny noses and lost mittens, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. I love fall don’t you? Mommy Star 1 888 938-7382
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