June 23, 2010

Sweet Southern Voice

I find it cute when someone calls me for the first time and says..”Oh you are Southern?”  For a moment I think, oh no they are going to hang up on me lol.  They do not of course.  So I thought I would write a little something to let you all know that yes I am from the south, and I do have a southern accent.  It’s a soft soothing voice, not harsh.  Now make no mistake, I do discipline if it is needed.  But I do not yell, I find that a gentle stern approach is best, people tend to listen better if you speak to them softly. Mommy Liz 1-888-430-2010
June 19, 2010

Play Date

You wanna look so pretty for mommy don’t you? So does Mommy. I want you to wear a pretty little dress for all the men in the neighborhood. We can watch them and you can pick out your favorite man to play with. Of course he’ll come over on a “play” date and Mommy will teach you how to be a “cute” little sissyl for him. How lucky he will be won’t he? He’ll get to play with you (and maybe even Mommy) and he’ll find out exactly how much fun we both are won’t he? We’ll make sure you make him happy so when his Daddy comes to pick him up he will tell him how he had fun with both of us and how he got to touch and snuggle with both of us. Maybe his Daddy will want to play with us too. *Smiles* Mommy Maggy
June 18, 2010

Father’s Day

  Mommies get a lot of praise and attention here. It is called phoneamommy though. Daddies deserve recognition too though. I want to wish everyone out there that is a Daddy,granddaddy, Daddy to Dogs or Cats or anything- Happy Father’s Day. You all are great and deserve a wonderful Father’s Day Weekend. So take it easy and watch whatever you want to on TV, drink your favorite cool drinks, let the yard work slide and enjoy yourself. Soon enough it will be back to same old same old so take this time for you.   Mommy Lexus
June 5, 2010

The Mommies

  One of the great aspects of working here is I get to be myself for one. And the best things is the fine Mommies I get to deal with on a daily basis. These fine ladies are some of the smartest most compassionate and creative people ever brought into one place. I consider myself to know quite a bit but whenever I have a question they are there to answer it for me. So do yourself a favor get to know all the mommies, sitters, and grannies of Phone-a- Mommy.   Louie
May 22, 2010

Plastic Wrap

I’ve been fascinated as of late with different forms of subduing techniques. I have put the question to the forums, and I thought I might bring the subject here as well. From cuffs, to potions to being immobilized by many pairs of hands to blackmail – so very many ways to be subdued for one purpose or another. Now the other night in the chatroom, Daddy Paul brought up the possibility of plastic wrap. Well let me tell you, this peaked my interest. What a lovely use a common household item! One could use plastic wrap as a suitable substitute to ropes/cuffs, create a make shift squaddling sleep sack out of it, as well as adapt it to be used as bed/hospital straps. And the things I could do with the colored wraps – especially the rose colored ones (let’s just say I would test my clothes designing skills with it, teeheehee!)! I think it may actually pass the versatility of duct tape LOL! So I wanted to tip my hat to Daddy Paul for opening my eyes (and my warped, little mind) to the wonderful world of plastic wrap! Maggie
May 8, 2010

Mother’s Day

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, so I just wanted to wish all these wonderful ladies here at Phone-a-Mommy a wonderful and relaxing day!! I all know how hard each and every one of you works, and there is no other group of ladies who deserve it more!! So put those feet up, place those cucumber slices on those tired eyes, and let those around serve you for a change! Happy Mother’s Day Ladies! Maggie
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