Wee Willie Winkie
September 27, 2011
caring ABDL Mommy
September 29, 2011

Men are made, not born. Not all men become men equally. Not all men act like men.

Here’s the story: My boyfriend was annoying me. He wasn’t taking me out, he wasn’t pulling his weight. I came home from a job taking care of a very good, passive little one. I knew my bf had the day off, so I had left a little list for him of things that needed doing around the house. I got home and nothing was done. He was playing video games and the house was a mess. The last straw, you could say.

To make a long story short, I had enough, and I had an idea. I told him if he couldn’t act like a man, I would no longer treat him like a man, that I would treat him like the child he was acting like, a forced babying as it were. I will save the thrilling details because I don’t diaper and tell, at least not in such a public forum, but let’s just say he took well to the role. Care to hear more? It would be my pleasure to tell you.

Your diaper punishment specialist

~Nanny Ella~


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