May 13, 2011

Wet Nurse Nanny

Some say I go above and beyond the call of duty. I just like to give my babies what they need. I know I’m not a Mommy but I can be just as nurturing.  When Mommy has too many little ones tugging at her skirts and her titties, Nanny is there to fill those mouths with sweet warm milk. Nanny loves to diaper abies and dress them up, cuddle them and care for them in every possible way. Nanny loves her abies like her very own.   Call Nanny Ella for a sip at the nip and fall asleep entirely satisfied.
August 15, 2010

A Good Nap

I just awoke from a good solid nap.  Naps are refreshing, and it helps your body recharge when you are feeling really tired.  Being the good little babies and sissies that I know you all are I know that all of you must take naps.  I wish more adults took naps, maybe there would be less grumpiness in the world.  Can you imagine being at work and 1:30 rolls around and all the lights dim and everyone rolls out their bed rolls and lay down to take a two hour nap.  It certainly would make the work day go much faster, do you not agree? Ella 1-888-430-2010
June 5, 2010

Getting Away

Sometimes we all need to take time for ourselves.  I do not care who you are, you need “Me” time.  I have seen friends who do not do anything for themselves, it’s all about the family and their jobs, and in the end they lose themselves and get absorbed into being nothing more then a robot, they go on automatic and forget who they are.  Believe me the world is not going to stop turning if you take one hour for yourself, or a whole day, or heavens..a whole week!  Things will be right where you left them when you return.  Go on, go out there and find yourself again, and destress and unwind! Ella 1-888-430-2010
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